Saturday, April 18, 2015

Green Smoothies 101

So what's all the hype with Green Smoothies and what the heck is in there? 

To start, they are a quick, easy and tasty way to get large amounts of fruits and leafy greens into your daily diet. Green smoothies give your body the plant-based nutrients it craves. Dark leafy greens contain: high-quality amino acids, important minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are plant-based chemicals that support your immune system, improve health and longevity, and may reduce life-threatening diseases.

We want to share the basics to get you started and it's a pretty simple formula:
1 cups leafy greens + 1-1.5 cups liquid base + 1 cup frozen fruit + 1-2 servings fat

Leafy green options
       Swiss Chard

Liquid base options
       Unsweetened almond milk
       Unsweetened coconut milk

Fruit options

Fat options (not needed if use coconut milk)
       Almond Butter

Any blender will work, but the Vitamix is our all time fav blender. It's definitely one of the more spendy blenders out there, but you look at it as in investment in your health:-)

Here's a recipe to get you started:
       1 cup spinach, fresh
       1 cup unsweetened almond milk (add more depending on desired consistency)
       1 handful frozen pineapple
       1/2 avocado

Blend leafy greens and liquid base together first. Add fruit and blend again. ENJOY!

Let us know how it goes and please share a smoothie recipe that you LOVE!

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