Monday, March 23, 2015

Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You

 We’ve all heard it…a few of us do it…most of us don’t…and if you haven’t yet today, IT’S NOT TOO LATE. When given two options, choose the more challenging of the two. We jump to the safe option because we fear failure. The reality is the fear of failure will leave you doing nothing and deprive you of the opportunity to strengthen and grow. Fear only leaves you in self-doubt and reaching for the safe option. The safe option is NO LONGER AN OPTION! Take a look inside. Dig deep. Be inspired. Be confident. Take control of your fears. Do you hear me?

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” – J.K. Rowling

So what is it that scares you? What is it that takes you out of your comfort zone and leaves you feeling vulnerable? Our challenge to you is to find the answers to these questions. And why is this challenge oh-so-perfect for our very first post? Because OUR ability and willingness to challenge and push each other is hugely credited for our strong friendship and successful business partnership. We’ve been motivating each other to be our best for years - from our high school sports days when we would push each other to run just one more mile (when we really didn't want to), to today when we challenge each other on new ideas and decisions to make your experience at FORM nothing short of the BEST!

We know we already do a darn good job pushing you physically and mentally in barre, yoga, rowing, PiYo and Pilates classes, but now we want to take it further. We want to challenge you, and for you all to challenge each other, to do that thing that scares you! No, we are not asking you to jump out of an airplane or ride a bull, but we do want you to find what it is that takes you WAY out of your comfort zone. Try a new class. Try a new recipe. Say hi to every person you walk by. Start a conversation with a stranger. Write a book. Commit to running a race. Try something brand new! And tell us about it next time we see you, or in the comments below so we can support you and hold you accountable.

We’ve had the best year sharing our passion for fitness and fashion with you! At the core there is one reason alone that we get jazzed to jump out of bed and go to work everyday. That reason is knowing that we are making a difference in YOUR life. We have genuine concern of your mental and physical health and love witnessing you strengthen inside and out with each and every FORM workout. Possibly the best part of all, is the time that we get to connect and build our relationships with you before and after class.

We truly believe the better you know us, the better we know you and this is where we can make that all happen! Stay in touch with us here as we share our love for all things fitness, fashion and real food. Enjoy inspirational and educational posts from us and from our guest contributors who are all excited to spill on the topics they are most passionate about. Our intention with inFORM is not only to strengthen our community - our family - by “getting real” with you and letting you in to all that we LOVE. We also hope with every post, we inspire you to live your happiest, healthiest life by challenging yourself each day to find the most authentic version of YOU!

Trust yourself. You have everything you need inside of you. Tell yourself that no matter what happens, you are still you, and you’ll be ok. Breathe deep and get out there to do that thing that scares you. Let us know how it goes!

Stay tuned. Our next post is not to be missed. Get ready to share in one of our very favorite topics…NUTRITION!

1 comment :

  1. this first post is perfect and speaks so much to me personally and professionally. what i am pushing myself is to remain still and be okay with saying no and focusing my energy with god's word in my daily routine and also honoring my self care so i can be the best i can be with raising two busy boys, running a business and nurturing my marriage. for me this is way out of my comfort zone with letting go of being busy, allowing myself to be okay with not working and again finding my heart in what i love the most and really digging deep into telling other people's stories and adventures vs being a portrait photography. a new path for 2015.. here we go.. amie
