Monday, August 24, 2015

Six Healthy Snacks

Six healthy snacks for your desk, car, travel bag, gym bag or purse
by Melissa Ellefson

I have this irrational fear of being without food. I bring food with me everywhere. Open my purse and you will usually find a few hardboiled eggs, an avocado and a Larabar. You know, just in case. “Just in case of what?!” you might be wondering.

Well just in case you get stuck in meetings and miss your lunch. Just in case lunch is provided for you, but it is something that you don’t eat anymore- like pizza. (Oh how I miss you, pizza.) Just in case you find yourself in a position where there are no good snacks available.

Or, just in case it is the end of the day, and you are leaving work, and it has been a really long, really difficult day, and you are starving, but you know there is no food in your house, so you know you have to stop at the grocery store to get food to make dinner, and, well, HyVee Chinese is pretty good, and you are so overly hungry that the idea of waiting another 30 minutes while you stand at the stovetop making a meal sounds like torture. You say, “Screw it, I’m getting HyChi.”

Keep emergency snacks on hand to avoid decisions made in hanger. Not “hanger” as in what you have in your closet, but “hanger” as in hunger + anger. No one likes a hangry person. Don’t be that guy. Or girl.

Here are six of my favorite hanger-preventative snacks that pack a big nutritious punch. They are portable, delicious and straight up awesome.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. An added bonus is that they are so portable, versatile and inexpensive.
Here are some of the health benefits:
  • 6 grams of protein with all essential amino acids
  • 5 grams of healthy fats
  • High in selenium (good for thyroid!)
  • Good source of B Vitamins, folate, and choline (brain health!)
  • No sugar…so no insulin response (good for decreasing belly fat!)
  • Good for eyesight
  • Helps you to feel fuller, longer

***Do not be concerned about the cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol does little to affect cholesterol in the blood. Poor cholesterol lab results are often a product of too much sugar, refined carbs, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, and inflammation- not because you ate too many eggs. The omega 3 fatty acids in eggs actually help to decrease triglycerides.

I cook up two dozen eggs every Sunday during my weekly prep. My preferred method is THIS egg cooker, because I am not disciplined enough to watch the timer. I love my egg cooker- it poaches and hard boils perfectly every time
Prefer the traditional method? Check out THIS video for a quick tutorial.
I know that many of you ‘hard boil’ your eggs in a muffin tin, but I have not had the greatest luck with this. Check out THIS link to learn more about baking your eggs.

Because we eat so many eggs, I make sure they are of the highest quality. One of my good friends from work brings eggs to us. They are beautiful, with rich orange yolks. Quality matters.
Perhaps you also have a friend or coworker who raises laying hens? Ask around! Or check out your local farmer’s market.

Eating a big handful of coconut flakes every day is like giving your brain a great big hug. Your brain goes cuckoo for coconut. Actually the coconut prevents your brain from going cuckoo.

Coconut is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are fatty acids that are metabolized a big differently than most. They are quickly absorbed and turned into ketone bodies. Ketones are rocket fuel for the brain. So much so that solid research shows the MCTs from coconut to have significant improvements in epileptic seizures, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The benefits can be immediate.

In addition to the brain benefits, coconut also
  • Helps promote fat burning
  • Heals the gut
  • Has antifungal and antibacterial properties
  • Promotes healthy skin, hair, gums, and nails
  • Staves off hunger

But what about all the fat?! Isn’t coconut too high in fat?! Yes! That’s why it is so good for you. Eat it up. Drink it up. Slather it all over your body. Fat is good.

My favorite coconut snack is big, flaky coconut shavings with dried goji berries and macadamia nuts. That is a trail mix you can feel good about!
Hold your horses, partner. Before you begin typing your reply of, “But you always say real food is the answer!” I want you to know that, yes, real food is the answer. I would love to think that you have a cornucopia of fresh vegetables, nuts, coconut, olives, avocados, eggs, seeds and fruit to snack on. However, sometimes we don’t. I know I don’t. When that happens, it is nice to have a snack bar for backup.

Even with the best laid plans, you may still find yourself in a serious state of low blood sugar. When you get so hungry that you want to punch something…or someone. You go rummaging around the breakroom or vending machine searching for something to make you feel better fast. Contrary to the commercials, a Snickers isn’t the answer. Eating a sugar bomb may feel good for a moment…realllllyyyyy good…for a moment. Then you will crash. You will find yourself right back in the same predicament of a low blood sugar state. Let’s avoid that.

The first thing I look at on a snack bar label is the ingredients list. If I don’t know what something is OR if it has fake junk like artificial sweeteners (sucralose) and sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, or erythritol), I put it down.

Then I look at the sugar content. There are many ‘protein bars’ out there that have a ridiculous amount of sugar. They are a candy bar in disguise. Try to keep it low.

Do you see a ‘fat free’ or ‘low fat’ bar? That is likely just a science experiment, not food. Put it down. Remember that you NEED fat. Fat = good. Sugar = not as good.

If you read the labels on the items in this photo, you may find that the sugar is a bit high. For example, a Larabar has 18 grams of sugar. HOWEVER, the ingredients are these two things: dates and cashews. I am cool with that.

These are a few of my favorites.
KIND BARS *choose the “4 grams of sugar” varieties


Avocados rock! They are portable, delicious and chockfull of nutrients.

Health benefits include:
  • High in essential vitamins K, C, E, and B and a great source of folate
  • Wonderful source of healthy fats (Brain food!!)
  • High fiber
  • Better source of potassium than bananas…and lower in sugar than bananas!
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Provides building blocks for neurotransmitters and hormones
  • Improves the look of your skin, nails, and hair
  • Reduces belly fat
  • Improves lipid profiles (more HDL and fewer triglycerides)
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin help to keep those peepers sharp and healthy
  • Helps you absorb nutrients (remember that vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble…you need fat to absorb them)
  • They help you feel full so you don’t crave sweets

I think I can read a few minds out there: “But aren’t avocados high in fat?” you ask.

YES! They are one of the densest sources of fat found in nature. That is what makes them SO AWESOME! Eat more fat. Eat less sugar.

I slice mine in half, sprinkle it with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, and just scoop it out of the skin. I eat the whole darn thing. One almost every day if I can.

Maybe you can’t stomach the idea of straight up avocado? Well then how about some guacamole with cut up veggies or a few organic corn tortilla chips? You can’t be mad at that.

Speaking of something you can’t be mad at…

Yes! It’s true. Dark chocolate is super-healthy for you. Eat a square or two of dark chocolate each day. A square or two, people. One or two.

Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of polyphenols, flavonols and trace minerals. We are discovering that the cacao in dark chocolate is actually a ‘superfood’ and has many health benefits, including:
  • Relaxation and lowering of blood pressure
  • Increase in blood flow to extremities and brain
  • Powerful antioxidant capacity to fight free radical damage *more than blueberries!
  • A possible decreased risk of cardiovascular disease *based on powerful evidence from 3 observational studies

Quality is a must! We are not talking about Hershey Bars, my friends.
This is what you should look for:
  • Organic is best
  • At least 70% cacao content

Perhaps you don’t like dark chocolate but want the benefits? First of all, that’s weird. However, you could consider adding some unsweetened cacao powder to your morning smoothie. is my favorite. They are individually packaged, so I can carry ONE around with me for when I need a treat. ONE. Or TWO.  You can click on the photo for ordering information:

Ok, so this isn’t really a snack, but it is something that I always make sure I have with me. Sometimes I think that I am hungry, but really I am just bored. Drinking a hot cup of tea is satisfying and helps to sharpen my focus.

And that’s not all! Polyphenols such as flavonoids and catechins found in green tea are shown to prevent cancer, improve cardiovascular health, boost brain health, speed up metabolism, fight inflammation, and protect against infection.

Stock up on green tea bags such as this gunpowder green or jasmine from Numi or this Japanese green from Choice.
Loose leaf tea is often of higher quality than what you would find in a bag, but it requires a bit more work when you are on the go. This Jasmine Pearl from Rishi and the Gunpowder from Positively Tea are nice options.
Buy a cute tea cup like this or handsome tea cup like this and brew your own.

Choose organic. Many teas are full of pesticides. Remember that pesticides wreck your gut. No thanks.
Consider choosing fair trade. Far too many chocolate, coffee, and tea companies take advantage of workers in developing countries. As a rule of thumb, it is best to purchase products from people who treat their employees and the planet with kindness. Good karma!
If you are unsure how to brew your tea, READ THE LABEL! The difference between a bitter tea and a delicious tea can be the temperature of the water or the length of time it steeped. Be a smart steeper.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Get Breakfast Right Every Time

Get Breakfast Right Every Time

I was nearly killed this morning by a woman who was really into her breakfast burrito. She was loving that thing so much that she couldn’t decide which lane was hers.
First I thought, “I’m going to die.” Then I thought, “That burrito is enormous.” Finally I thought, “Well, at least she’s eating breakfast. And there are probably eggs somewhere in that yellow wrapper. That’s cool.”

People who eat (or drink!) a good breakfast:
  • Have a better memory and sharper cognitive skills
  • Are leaner
  • Are more likely to take in an appropriate daily amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • Have a more stable blood sugar (better energy levels and focus)

Eating or drinking a solid breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism, provides the fuel your brain needs to focus and nourishes your body for whatever challenges or adventures may come your way.

So what is a good breakfast?

First let’s rule out what is not part of a good breakfast: Cake.

Muffins, bagels, waffles, Pop Tarts, donuts, rolls, pastries, and pancakes = Cake.

Now let’s reconsider a few traditionals that may not the best choice for breakfast:
  • Toast with jam (even if it is toast made from organic, sprouted, whole grains that were harvest by one-armed monks in Nepal)
  • Cereal with milk (especially skim milk! Please consider replacing skim milk with 2% or higher.)
  • Flavored yogurt and granola
  • Juice

Why would cake and the traditionals be a substandard choice for breakfast?
It’s all about blood sugar, friends. When you eat a meal that is high in sugar, your body releases a flood of insulin to clear it from your bloodstream and store it as fat.

After that high sugar/high insulin spike, we crash and find ourselves in a low blood sugar (fatigued, crabby, foggy, irritable, and anxious) state. We start searching for more sugar to make us feel better. It is truly a vicious cycle.

Parents: You may be surprised by the changes you see in your kiddos when you nourish their bodies differently. So much of what is marketed to our kids is complete junk. If we expect the children to sit still, play nice, and concentrate, we need to give them quality nutrition. I am writing this from experience. I am embarrassed by what I used to feed my kids for breakfast. A few small changes made a huge difference in their personalities, quality of school work, body composition, and skin clarity.

  • Nitrate-free sausage and bacon from happy, healthy pigs
  • Eggs in any way, shape or form
  • Hash made with ground turkey, peppers and sweet potatoes
  • A bowl of macadamias, coconut flakes and fresh blueberries
  • Plain Greek yogurt with walnuts and strawberries
  • A smoothie made with hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, coconut milk and frozen berries
  • An apple with almond butter
  • Plain oatmeal with nuts and fresh berries
  • Grapefruit and almonds
  • Avocado
  • Leftover steak and veggies
  • Coffee blended with fat...

Coffee blended with fat?!

Yes! For some people who don’t enjoy eating breakfast every day, drinking a hot cup of coffee blended with a tablespoon of grass-fed butter (Kerrygold unsalted) and a tablespoon of MCT oil can provide a nice source of energy.

I started an experiment back in April. One of my favorite podcast hosts, Dave Asprey, was singing the praises of his Bulletproof Coffee. I’ve always been in the camp that a hearty breakfast is a must, so I was very skeptical about the idea that replacing my bacon and eggs with coffee and butter was a good health move. However, there are few things I love more than a little self-experimentation. So I gave it a try!

My intention was to do this for a week and see how I feel. Well…felt so great that I kept on doing it. I drink my coffee at 6am and don’t eat until noon. I feel sharp, energetic, and not hungry.

I don’t recommend this form of intermittent fasting for everyone. In fact, there are many people for which this may not be a good idea. If you are stressed out, sick, training hard at the gym for an event, or are prone to adrenal fatigue, this isn’t for you.

As always, it is important to listen to your body. If you feel like you need a bit more fuel, then get some! I did an exceptionally hard H.I.I.T. workout yesterday and my glycogen stores were depleted. When I woke up today, I could tell I needed some carbs. Instead of my usual coffee, I opted for a blueberry smoothie with avocado, cucumber, chia, and hemp. No big deal!

Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Coffee:

  • 2 cups fresh coffee, prepared in a French press with freshly ground beans (sounds kind of fancy pants, but now I won’t do it any other way)
***It is important to use really fresh beans. Coffee is notorious for mycotoxins (mold). If you have to pee immediately after drinking your coffee, that is a good sign you should try to find a better quality bean.

I add these ingredients to a tall glass jar (a Bubbies pickles jar works great):

  • 1 tablespoon Kerrygold unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon MCT oil (I use Bulletproof brand Brain Octane)
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla (I use Bulletproof brand ground vanilla)
  • 1-2 tablespoons collagen powder from grass-fed cows *optional

Pour your fresh, hot coffee into the jar and blend with your immersion blender until frothy. It tastes like a pumpkin spice latte. So good!