Friday, July 17, 2015

What the heck is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is 5000 years old and is the most ancient system of healing.  Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and the two compliment each other in a very important and vital way.  In fact, masters say that you should not even practice yoga, until you have embodied Ayurveda.  Ayurveda views the physical body along with everything in the universe as being composed of five primary elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether or empty space. These elements are expressed in the body and mind as qualities of stability/support (earth), feeling/fluidity (water), heat and metabolism (fire), respiration and circulation (air), space and lightness (ether). The proportions of these elements within and around us have profound influences on how we experience our physical, psychological, and spiritual selves.  We are each born with a unique make-up of the elements that we refer to as our “dosha” type. 

Ayurveda teaches us to get to know ourselves.  It is not a diet, or about restrictions, it is a lifestyle.  Ayurveda teaches us to find our natural state of balance by simply embracing that nature always provides the antidote.  Ayurveda teaches us that we are all unique and different and to nourish ourselves and our own unique make-up of the elements.  Ayurveda helps us to embrace and discover our most natural state of beauty, joy, health and vitality.  

The beauty of Ayurveda is that it applies both a scientific and simplistic approach to living. In Sanskrit, ayu means ‘life’ and veda means ‘science’; therefore, Ayurveda is the science of life.  Its principals teach us to live intuitively, healthily and mindfully. Ayurveda embraces all aspects of well-being, body, mind and spirit.  It teaches us about what’s foods will help our own unique dosha find balance to exercise, herbs, essential oils, meditation, career, relationships and self care. Ayurveda is, and always has been, about the treatment of the individual as a ‘whole’.  Ayurveda teaches us to feel fantastic, find our ideal weight, gain energy and live with a sense of peace and joy.  

Below is a breakdown of the elements, seasons, and doshas:

Summer: Pitta
Element: Fire and Water
Temperament: Perfectionist, ambitious, confidant, quick tempered “Hot head”
Common Physical Characteristics: fair-skinned, often freckled, light-eyes, medium, athletic build
Fall/Winter: Vata
Elements: Wind and Space
Temperament: Enthusiastic, creative, quick-thinking, restless, sensitive
Common Physical Characteristics: dark-skinned, small, thin body frame

Spring: Kapha
Elements: Water and Earth
Temperament:  Patient, caring, supportive, and compassionate
Common Physical Characteristics: Lustrous hair and eyes, pale skin, large frame, strong build

My goal, as an Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher, is to help you to enjoy the process of self discovery, nurture yourself, savor the food, enjoy the sense of renewed energy and delight in the new found sense of peace that will come when your body, mind and spirit is balanced.  Can you imagine a program that is rooted in self-love and balance? This is about discovering true beauty and becoming your best self. To learn more register for the workshop this Sunday 7-9pm Stay tuned for further blog posts and workshops!

Hope to see you Sunday!

Melissa Kirby

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