Thursday, May 14, 2015

FORM loves running and you will too!

It’s springtime and there is no better time to lace up your sneaks and hit the pavement to get your heart pumping. FORM Run Club is in full swing and we want to invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at 6:00am for an “at-your-own-pace” 30 minute run with your FORM friends. That’s right, “at-your-own-pace”, which means whether you have ran 12 marathons, or don’t even own a pair of running shoes (yet), we want you to join us! It gets better! Of course a run wouldn’t be a FORM Run Club run unless it was followed up with yoga. Stay for a 30-minute yoga flow class from 6:45-7:15am. Numerous studies show the strength and flexibility you develop on the mat–namely in the core, quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors–can help you run more efficiently and stay injury-free. In addition to physical strength, yoga poses strengthen the mind, allowing you to control emotions while pushing yourself on the road.

Now, if you are a running skeptic (we know you are out there an we have heard all of the excuses), our challenge to you is to let next Tuesday morning’s run be the one thing you do that day that scares you. We understand that it’s not love at first run for everyone, but you will never know until you give it a few chances. Here are some simple actions you can take that we hope will inspire you to learn to love running if you do not already!

  1. Find a buddy (or a few) - The road can be lonely! Ask a friend that you haven’t caught up with for some time to join you or join a running group (FORM Run Club) where you are guaranteed to have a running buddy each time you show up. Miles and minutes fly by when you are in conversation.
  2. Discover the unbeaten path - If you take the same route every run, you will get bored. Even if it means travelling to a spot before starting your run, it will be worth it. We switch up the route often for run club. Let your runs be an opportunity to explore new places in your city.
  3. Learn to be an early bird - Switching up the time of day you run can have a huge impact on your performance and overall mood. Studies show, those who work out in the morning have more energy, a curbed appetite and better sleep (not to mention fewer happy hour cancellations) than those who wait until evening;-)
  4. Unplug - Challenge yourself to ditch your gear on your next run. With no watch to track your every pace per mile and calorie burned, you’re more likely to discover the simple joys of a run. Allow yourself this time to take in all that nature surrounds you with.
  5. Schedule it - Make appointments for your runs during the week. This will help to hold you accountable and give your running more purpose. It doesn’t have to be much - just 30-60 minutes.
  6. Race - Choose an upcoming race to keep you motivated to run regularly. Better, register for the race with friends. The race environment is incredibly motivating and inspiring. We suggest starting with a local 5K. FORM Run Club runs in at least one race per year as a group.
  7. Reward yourself - It can be easier to stay motivated if you feel good in what you are wearing while running. Treat yourself with a flashy new running outfit for all the hard work you put in!
Still not convinced running is for you? Join us Tuesday morning and see for yourself how starting the day with a sunrise trail run with friends can shift your perspective for the day. Happy running!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

"It's the same things."

“What message is going to make the biggest impact on the health of our FORM Family today?” I wonder.

I have so many things I want to write about and SO many things I want you to know and SOOOOO many things to share that I know will help people to feel a bit better today.

The problem? I can’t decide on which one of those ‘things’ is the best ‘thing’!

Today’s message is pretty simple: It’s the same things.

The things that prevent heart disease are the same things that can prevent Type II Diabetes. The things that prevent Alzheimer’s disease are the same things that keep your waistline slim. What provides you with more vitality and joy are the same things that will keep you mentally sharp and feeling sexy.

Practicing these simple seven things will change your life. I know this to be true based on science and based on my own life experiences.

What are the simple seven things, you ask?
Spirit Be grateful. Be forgiving. Love deeply. Laugh a lot. Sometimes happy hour is better medicine than a trip to the gym. (Sometimes…not all the time!) Sometimes intimate conversation is time better spent than creeping on Facebook. What does your soul need?
Sugar Avoid it. This includes the artificial stuff. Eat a rainbow of plants, clean protein, and tons of healthy fats. I have been accused of being extreme in this area, but I stand behind it 100%.
Sweat Every day if you can. Small bursts of activity equal big results. When you sweat, you detox. Strengthen and stretch because you love your body not because you hate it.
Stress Set boundaries for yourself and live with integrity. Do not allow other people’s crap to stink up your life. Breathe deeply. Design the life you want for yourself.
Support Surround yourself with likeminded people who support you instead of sabotage you. Kick toxic people to the curb…or at least ignore them. And pray for them so they won’t be so toxic anymore.
Sleep Be purposeful and protect your sleep. Value your sleep. Do not sacrifice your sleep to drag a tired body out of bed to exercise at 4:30am. Do not sacrifice your sleep to troll the internet at night. Listen to your body and give it the rest it deserves.
Supplement Even when we are doing all the right things, it is still hard to get all the nutrients our body needs. Consider a probiotic, mineral supplement, Vitamin D3, and fish/cod liver/krill oil.

Every choice we make has a consequence. That choice can lead us down a path of longevity, vitality, and abundance or down a path of sickness and despair.

How empowering is it to know that you have that control?

YOU have the ability to make just a few small changes that will lead you (or keep you) on a good path. YEAH!

When making the good choice is hard, think about your life goals. Do you want to be able travel the world when you retire? Do you want to play with your grandchildren? Do you want to walk your daughter down the aisle? Do you want to spend your earnings on the things you love rather than on medical care?

When you focus on your longterm goals, that can of soda doesn’t seem so important.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Exercise Tips for Mom

Before becoming a Mom, workouts were a top priority in my daily routine and I rarely missed one. It was as routine as brushing my teeth or eating breakfast. A day without a workout was just 'off'. I hate to admit this... but I often had little sympathy for those who 'didn't have time' to workout. I didn't understand why some of my Mom Pilates clients were often unreliable and didn't make exercise a priority in their life. 
Fast-forward to when my son Cole was born and BOY DID I HAVE A WAKE-UP CALL! My priorities shifted completely and instead of scheduling workouts, I schedule showers and restroom visits. I get it NOW! Between caring for kids, workplace demands, household chores, doctors appointments, school and all the rest, there is often precious little time for moms to sweat. That being said, no one needs the mental escape and endorphins exercise lends MORE than moms! So how can we find this much needed extra time in our day? (It's possible. I promise!) Here are a few tips! 
It will take a couple weeks, but get in the routine of working out first thing in the morning. This ensures your workout isn't interrupted. I know 530 AM is sounds miserable, but I promise it really is the best start to your day. If 530 is too early, try one of our 630 AM classes. Sneak out of the house before everyone else is up and give yourself some much deserved 'you' time!
Not a morning person? We have classes at 645 pm or 7 pm most weeknights! Take some time after dinner to take care of yourself and burn extra calories in your sleep!
Sit down with pen and paper and map out your workouts just as you make a grocery list. Pick the classes you want to attend each week and put them on your calendar.
Working out 6 days a week may not be possible but prioritizing 3 classes per week is. Think quality over quantity. When you do make it to class..MAKE IT WORTH IT! Give 100% effort while you have the opportunity!
Don't have 45 min - 1 hr? Try one of our 30 minute express class options.

Take your kids to the park and 'play'! Use the playground equipment for tricep dips, push-ups, step-ups and more! Take the jogger stroller out and hit the pavement for a run.
Some days it just isn't going to happen. period. That's okay! Get back at it tomorrow!
Happy Mother's day to all our FORM Mammas! You're AMAZING!